Philanthropy At Heart

For Public Good, From Sincerity

Supply chain

BRAENA endeavors for the benefit of the whole of the supply chain. That means the local producers affiliated with us, and the recipients of our re-investment commitment.


With the local stories of Rwanda at its core, BRAENA engages in sustainable and green international trading.

Donation Pledge

Our profit does not completely vests with us. BRAENA actively pledges with various Rwandese local producers/organizations for donations to fulfill the virtuous cycle.


From the beginning of production to the cup of our customers, no one is left behind in BRAENA's operation.

Philanthropy At Heart

For Public Good, From Sincerity.

Supply Chain

BRAENA endeavors for the benefit of the whole of the supply chain. That means the local producers affiliated with us, and the recipients of our re-investment commitment.


With the local stories of Rwanda at its core, BRAENA engages in sustainable and green international trading.

Donation Pledge

Our profit does not completely vests with us. BRAENA actively pledges with various Rwandese local producers/organizations for donations to fulfill the virtuous cycle.


From the beginning of production to the cup of our customers, no one is left behind in BRAENA's operation.

See who and where BRAENA engages with

BRAENA International cooperates with organizations around the world. 

These are our clients & network.

See who and where BRAENA engages with

BRAENA International cooperates with organizations around the world. 

These are our clients & network.

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