This is who we are.

Our Executives

R. Gwak
Managing Director and CEO at BRAENA

Mr. Gwak is the Managing Director & CEO.

Prior to BRAENA, he served as the Assistant Manager at various international law firms. He is also the CEO of BRAENA’s subsidiary BRAENA Translation & Interpretation Services, and the majority shareholder of BRAENA Korea Co., Ltd. He holds LL.B. in both International & United States Law. He currently resides in Korea and frequently travels to manage both the day-to-day business and corporate matters of BRAENA.

B. Moot
Director of Human Resources

As a human resources expert, she serves as a Director of HR for BRAENA. Before joining BRAENA, she accumulated substantial experience in the education sector. Concurrently, she is continuously involved in Korea's English education field. She holds a BA in Business Administration with a specialty in Human Resource Management. She currently resides in Korea with her husband, and a furry friend, Nancy.

R. Gatsinzi
Director of Strategy

M. Hagenimana
Director of Analytics

We trade with vision

Feel free to download and take a look at our story and forthcoming plans. 

*Corporate Identity information is updated as regularly as possible therefore, some information included in the PDF may not be up-to-date. For accurate and up-to-date information, please contact us via 'Contact' tab above.

This is who we are.

Our Executives

Managing Director and CEO at BRAENA

Mr. Gwak is the Managing Director and CEO of BRAENA. Prior to BRAENA, he served as the Assistant Manager at various international law firms. Concurrently, he is the CEO of BRAENA’s subsidiary BRAENA Translation & Interpretation Services, and the majority shareholder of BRAENA Korea Co., Ltd. He holds LL.B. degree in both international law and United States Law. He currently resides in Korea and frequently travels to manage both the day-to-day business and corporate matters of BRAENA.

B. Moot
Director of Human Resources

As a human resources expert, She serves as a Director of HR for BRAENA. Before joining BRAENA, she accumulated substantial experience in the education sector. Concurrently, She is continuously involved in Korea's English education field. She holds a BA in Business Administration with a specialty in Human Resource Management. She currently resides in Korea with her husband, and a furry friend, Nancy.

R. Gatsinzi
Director of Strategy

M. Hagenimana
Director of Analytics

Land Acquisition Phase 1
(Estimated 2H 2025)

Think globally, 

act locally.

We are currently conducting a land survey in the Western Province of Rwanda, and our local agents are actively engaging with the people of the Boneza Sector.

This planned land acquisition will constitute our corporate farmland, public square, cafe, and rental housing.

The final goal of this multi-phase land acquisition is establishing a self-sustainable farm ultimately benefiting the local people of Western Province, especially that of the Boneza Sector. 

*Below images are from our own land survey, and may not reflect the actual land to be acquired.

We trade
with vision

Feel free to download and take a look at our story and forthcoming plans. 

*Corporate Identity information is updated as regularly as possible therefore, some information included in the PDF may not be up-to-date. For accurate and up-to-date information, please contact us via 'Contact' tab above.

Land Acquisition Phase 1 

(Estimated 2H 2025)

We are currently in process of land survey in the Western Province of Rwanda, and our local agents are actively engaging with the people of Boneza Sector. 

This planned acquisition of land will constitute for our corporate farmland, public square, cafe, and as well as rental housing. 

The final goal of this multi-phase land acquisition is establishing a self-sustainable farm ultimately benefiting the local people of Western Province, especially that of Boneza Sector. 

*Below images are from our own land survey, and may not reflect the actual land to be acquired.

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